Installing the Command Line Interface (CLI)

We interact with Blurr using a Command Line Interface (CLI). Blurr is installed via pip:

$ pip install blurr

To check the installation was correct:

$ blurr --version

The help command lists all the commands:

$ blurr --help

Working with DTCs

DTCs are the central part of blurr. There are several CLI commands to validate and test DTCs


The validate command will check whether a DTC is valid.

$ blurr validate weekly_rollup.dtc


The transform command will apply the DTC to a source of event data.


$ blurr transform \
     --streaming-dtc ./dtcs/sessionize-dtc.yml \
     --window-dtc ./dtcs/windowing-dtc.yml \
     --source file://path


Print logs for debugging using the --debug option

blurr transform --streaming-dtc=streaming-dtc.yml --window-dtc=window-dtc.yml raw-data-window.json --debug

Supported data sources

Valid sources of data are:

Type Description URI example
text A text file file://<path>
internet An internet resource
S3 AWS S3 location s3://bucket/key

Supported data destinations

Transformed data is output to stdout. Data destination details are defined inside the DTC.

More destinations will be supported in the future, please create an issue to request for a specific data destination! Or better yet, contribute to Blurr and build it!

Deploying Blurr on AWS

The deploy command is used to rollout an instance of Blurr. Currently, only AWS is supported.

$ blurr deploy config.json

Configuration File

Blurr configuration can become a bit verbose, and some data formats (such as lists or dicts) are not supported in the command line. For those cases, the CLI allows passing a JSON configuration file with all the required parameters:


Available options are:

dtcs: The set of DTCs to be part of the deployment

sources: URIs for the data sources to be transformed (TODO: how many sources can we define in the config?)

The deploy command

Blurr gets deployed as a Cloudformation Stack. After a successful deployment we should see a stack named Blurr in the Cloudformation console.

TODO: add image

We can override the name of the stack using the --stack-name option:

$ blurr deploy config.json --stack-name blurr-staging

We can check the configuration of a blurr stack at any time using the config command:

$ blurr config --stack-name blurr-staging

If you feel more comfortable deploying Blurr by yourself it is possible to export the Cloudformation template from the command line:

$ blurr export-cfn config.json --out

Updating Configuration

Configuration can be updated using update-config command:

$ blurr update-config --stack-name blurr-prod

TODO: don't we need to provide the new config as an argument?